Our School
Students & Parents
3 and 4 year old Preschool
Full-Time Kindergarten
Preschool to Gr. 12 English Programming
Preschool to Grade 6 French Immersion Programming
Monthly liturgies/masses
Sports Program (X-Country, Volleyball, Basketball, Badminton, Track & Field)
Free bussing for all students
Strong community involvement
Safe and caring environment with faith-based programming
Community Family Nights
Please explore our new website – we have lots of information to share with you! If you have any ideas about how we can improve our site, please don’t hesitate to contact us!
Principal: Carmen Semeniuk
Phone: (780) 623-3667
Email: casemeniuk@lrcssd.ca
Light of Christ Catholic School will provide meaningful learning experiences to educate the whole child and ensure the development of respectful citizens that model Catholic Christian values and contribute to a better world.
Light of Christ encourages engagement on our social media sites. Please review our division's Social Media Rules of Engagement.